
Gara-gara Link Posmetro, Psikolog Ternama Sebut SNSD Simbol Pelacuran, Fans K-Pop Ngamuk!

Infoteratas.com - Nama Elly Risman kerap menjadi panutan orangtua dalam mendidik anak.

Wanita kelahiran Aceh, 21 April 1951 ini adalah seorang psikolog spesialis pengasuhan anak dan menjabat sebagai direktur pelaksana di Yayasan Kita dan Buah Hati.
Elly dikenal sebagai tokoh yang gigih menyuarakan perlunya orang tua mengasuh dan mendidik anaknya secara sungguh-sungguh.

Nama Elly baru-baru ini makin tenar usai cuitannya tentang girlband SNSD (Girls Generation) yang diunggah di akun Twitternya.
Awalnya Elly mengunggah berita terkait rencana pemerinah mengundang SDSD di acara kemerdekaan.
Elly pun menulis cuitannya: "Haaah? Astagfirulllah!!.terkejut jiwa keibuan saya.Masak negara mau mengundang girl band Korea merayakan hari Kemerdekaan kita#yangbeneraja!".

Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tulisan yang menyebutkan SNSD penuh simbol pelacuran dan perzinahan.

Elly pun mentweet Kepala Badian Ekonomi Kreatif, Triawan Munaf.
"Wahai bpk Kepala Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia!ada apa dibalik rencana bapak undang band simbol seks dihari proklamasi? #yangbenaraja Pak!,".
Lalu dilanjutkan dengan tweet-tweet lainnya:

Cuitan Elly Risman ini lalu dijawab Triawan Munaf dengan tweet sebagai berikut:
Sementara ratusan fans SNSD yang mengetahui kabar ini ramai-ramai memprotes Elly di akun twitternya. Bahkan diluar dugaan, berita ini dimuat di koreaboo.com. Yang mengejutkan media Korea ini juga menyertakan capture dari Posmetro, dan tebak saat disimpan ternyata capture posmetro ini dinamakan "postnewsfakenews"
link: http://www.koreaboo.com/news/indonesian-politicians-outraged-girls-generations-upcoming-visit/

Berikut komentar netizen:
Tueka Kana I'm indonesian but I'm disagree with this.. Is not like they do something wrong.. Don't jugde from case.. Because it is closed outside doesn't guarantee someone heart is clean.. This is because Indonesia is being hit by religious drunkenness.. And assume the majority is always right.. Welcome to Indonesian.. ??????

Fatichatul Maftuchah lagian plis banget dech,yang dikutip posmetro, portal berita hoax n hadeeecchh portas berita nomor cantik, dikritik si boleh aja karena buat hari kemerdekaan, tapi jangan bikin malu kpopers indonesia bilang mereka simbol sex n prostitusi.. oh come on, itu artis2 kita kaya pakaian n attitudenya bener aja,,, banyak yang lebih parah... lagian pake baju hanbok(yang notabenebaju adat mereka) pake diblur segala.. dasar emang otak orang2 kita aja yang mesum...

Phearyta Chim Wtf? Who is that girl to judge? GG as a sex symbol? Are u trying to refer to urself? Just because she doesn't gain as much popularity then she tried to bash cuz of her jealousy? Well too bad lady all of us here are not blind to see how ugly and disrespectful u are, u urself should be grateful enough to have them in ur country.

Abd Rahman Sani what about their own artists that always shaking around their body with money thrown? is that legal or good for children? ???? at least K idols know how to dress properly.

Chiel Mae Wtf! Who is she? Really? GG a sex symbol? How about Indonesian dangdut? They showing so much sexual thing when on stage more than Korean idol

Aina Hitomi Im not indonesian but im saying this as a Muslim bc im so sad reading at some comments saying bad things about my religion. Can you guys stop hating on Islam? Did you guys really think we're that bad? We're killing people because thats what media said about us! I dont want to accused another religions because i respect all, i respect others but do you guys really think that non-muslims are not killing people? Come on! Dont be blind! or is it because its a trend now to hating on muslim? Dont blame the whole muslims/community. This is not a green light for you to saying bad about all of us. There are about 2.18 billion muslims in this world but just bc of 1 or 1000 or 100 000 or 1.0M muslims are bad doesnt mean the rest are just same. It isnt fair for us. Think!

Park Chang Joon Kpop idols should avoid this place. There are plebrt if beautiful places around the world that does not look down or judge you. This is talent idiot! How can they say a symbolism of sex??? I am not a fan of Girls Generation, but I'm hurt if kpop idols are being judge wrongly! Unni May June Capucao don't u ever do that to our Bang tan, I will kill u


Cindy Nguyen Wth... she shouldn't judge a book by it's cover! That is stupid! She should think about their feelings! That is going against human rights! How would she feel if she was called a slut and a hoe huh?! Bet she would shame her family. Her ancestors wouldn't even want to be related to her. If she thinks a little visit to her country is so bad then she can go fuck herself. That women better stay in her country for the rest of her life and not come out. I swear karma does come to those who judge without knowing.


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